Thứ Bảy, 9 tháng 7, 2011

Write out the steps anyway, and start climbing the first few rungs.

Optimist or Pessimist? Here is a reminder checklist: & overestimating the chances of danger & overestimating the size of the danger & underestimating your ability to cope with the danger & scanning & fear of fear & self-fulfilling prophecies & worrier & critic & victim & perfectionist & overestimating a bad outcome & catastrophising & unrealistic expectations & all-or-nothing thinking & over-generalising & filtering & discounting the positive & magnifying/minimising & emotional reasoning & jumping to conclusions & taking it personally & blaming yourself & name calling & wishful thinking. Lie down, or sit in a comfortable chair, and listen to the recording. Clearly in this example they are most worried about embarrassment. My family would be much happier. I have since completed a level 3 counselling course. As you can see maintenance factors are all about the kind of person you are apart from your Anxiety, and the kind of life you were living before Anxiety struck. Instead you need to look for concrete, specific goals such as: I want to get back to work I want to have a relationship I want to travel abroad I want to go back to college. My family life is disrupted. The jury returns, the verdict is in, and Anxiety is guilty, no doubt about it. Instead of believing the thoughts you will come to understand that they are generated by your Anxiety. Keep focusing on the word relax. If you dont have money worries, or physical health worries, and if everything you want is right there for you, you could well feel guilty about acknowledging that you still arent happy. Instead of have to write choose to. Breathing More about breathing - physical Your lungs are inside your ribcage, and there is a whole network of muscles that help you with the movements that will expand and contract your lungs. I didnt work to stop myself, it just haped naturally. Finally, you will have learnt a set of lifetime skills that will keep you well, as long as you remember to use them. Life is not a test which we pass or fail. Even going on holiday or preparing for Christmas can involve a measure of anxiety. Write out the steps anyway, and start climbing the first few rungs. Do, however, think carefully about what weve said.

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